I shared this gorgeous poem by Danna Faulds in class this week, and I thought you would enjoy it, too.
With all the summer storms lately, it seems so perfect. The air is so clean and clear after all the thunder and lightening!
Share this with a friend you think may need it. And may it benefit you 🙂
(Emphasis mine).
There is no controlling life.
Try corralling a lightning bolt,
containing a tornado. Â Dam a
stream and it will create a new
channel. Â Resist, and the tide
will sweep you off your feet.
Allow, and grace will carry
you to higher ground. Â The only
safety lies in letting it all in –
the wild and the weak; fear,
fantasies, failures and success.
When loss rips off the doors of
the heart, or sadness veils your
vision with despair, practice
becomes simply bearing the truth.
In the choice to let go of your
known way of being, the whole
world is revealed to your new eyes.
From Danna Faulds, Go In and In: Poems from the Heart of Yoga.
Beth Daniel
Thank you, Jo. This is a beautiful poem, and so resonant. I had not been familiar with Danna Faulds’ work but now want to read more.
Beth, I’m so glad you like this one, and that you’ll now know about Danna Faulds, who is a marvelous poet 🙂 You’ll find more treasures.